Friday, February 19, 2010

Best RHS Ad!

This is an ad I did for the winter formal at RHS. I wanted to make the ad go with the poster design that everyone's seen but I didn't want to copy it exactly. I think the colors and the shilloettes make it interesting and that the stars twinkle. I think mine was probably in the top 6 of our class.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stop Animation Videos

Here are some stop animation videos that i think are pretty cool. We have to look for some because we will be makeing one of our own for this class. When that one's done i will post it.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Composet head project

These are some heads i made in photoshop

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Major Book Worm!

You may not no this but I am one of the few teens who actually likes to read. In fact I am a major book worm. At the moment I am reading over 10 different series. I like all kinds of books but mostly i like the ones that are a little crazy and a lot different. I have a rule that I cant read a book if it's under 275 pages because for me it's to short. I just love to read.
Favorite Book- Unwind
Favorite Author- Neal Shusterman
Favorite Series- Undetermined

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Favorites

Here's a list of some of my favorite things.
Animal- Fox
Ice Cream- Cookie dough
Candy- Cotton Candy
Thing to do- Go to the movies
Color- Purple
Book- Unwind
Author- Neal Shusterman
I also like making videos and I like anime which is Japanese cartoons

Something I've Created

This is a website that I made it shows a lot of videos that I made and it has some stuff on it that I really like.